I'm not really a jealous person, and I don't really get envious of people, their happy, or the fantastic awesome things that happen in their life. Because frankly, I'm blessed to have super fantastic awesome things happen to me. I mean I went to Thailand for a month and in January I'm going to London, Capetown, a safari in Tanzania, some beach in Zanzibar, London, Paris, and a road trip up to Edinburgh all in 5 weeks. I'm blessed to be able to experience the world as I do and still have a job to come back to who will allow me to take off for 5 weeks.
That positive attitude
always nearly sometimes goes out the window when it goes comes to the FS. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for everyone, I enjoy reading blogs about FS life, and I'm extremely happy for the current OMS class that recently had their Flag Day. A woman is going to Bangkok. She's so lucky. I had to share my experience with the Patara Elephant Farm. So last week, I received a call from a lawyer who has taken over one of my accounts from another lawyer I had been previously dealing with, Chandani. As I'm speaking to this new lawyer who is one of the partners, I found out that Chandani was offered a FSO position. Umm.....WHAT? My name is Victoria, and I'm green with jealousy and envy. On the inside, I positively passed out. I threw myself out of my chair, and I sobbed hysterically. I kept my composure, though, and we spoke about how awesome it is and blah blah blah. WHATEVER!! She sucks! I'm just saying....you know I'm right.
In other news....
The OMS position is up again. I didn't do anything I said I was going to do with regards to revamping my resume and getting certified for Word. I have until Tuesday. It will be awesome, as always. I'm praying that the powers that be like my awesomeness and send me an invite to the OA. If I said pretty please, do you think that would help? Probably not.
PS...what is up with this background? It's really ugly. I'm terribly sorry. I will change it.