Uhh, what happened to Blogger? I don't blog for a month or so and they go and switch it up on me! It took me 10 minutes to figure out how to write a new post. What's up with that?
So I'm nearly 2 months out from the March 2012 close date for the OMS. I'm so proud of myself! Why, you ask? Because I'm not crazy and obsessed. At this moment, I am not that girl. Trust me, I have had my moments. But I am world's away from my attitude and behavior of last year. Frankly, I was obsessed. I call it my crazy. I haven't succumbed to the crazy...yet. I hope to hear something soon.
In other news of my oh so boring life, I had an interview to become a Field Auditor. They actually go out to the businesses around the state, make drop ins, and audit them. I mean how cool would it be to go into say, a liquor store, make a purchase, and immediately ask to speak to a manager, whip out my business card, and say "Hi, I'm from the Comptroller's Office, I just made a purchase, and now I'm going to audit you." Cool, huh? I bombed the interview. It was horrible, awful, and down right disgraceful!
I should've known they were going to ask me accounting questions. I didn't prep, I should have. Shoulda, woulda, coulda...but didn't. I took accounting at the beginning of my educational career and my accounting class in graduate school doesn't count because it was managerial accounting which is nothing based on principles. It was sad. I'm a perfectionist. I cried. But one thing I didn't do was eat cake even though I really wanted to. Disasters and chocolate cake are siblings. Didn't you know? Yay for small miracles!