Woot! Woot!
I got the email yesterday that I cleared medical last Friday. I'm so close!!!!
I have been running around since August 21, 2012 trying to get all of this medical stuff in. I had this crazy plan that I would just get it all done within a week and everything would be fine. WRONG! What I failed to realize is that life isn't just about me and I can't just ring up my doctors and say "hey, I need a doctor's appt so I can get this form filled out. Oh by the way, I need it by the 09/20. Chop! Chop!"
Umm, no!
My doctor looks at me like I'm smoking crack when I tell her what it's form and she further gives me dirty looks when she sees the medical form. Hey, it's not my fault that they want all of this blood work done. One good thing, I found out what my blood type is; A+. Go me! On the bright side, my super awesome government insurance paid for everything! I saw the bill and I nearly had a fit with the cost of how much bloodwork costs. Really?
My doctors are amazing! I <3 them!
Now, I'm just waiting for security to come through, and then the final step is FRP.
Holy Batman! I'm so close!