Friday, October 05, 2012

I'm not complaining, but

Dear Investigators at Diplomatic Security,


Love, Me


Okay, seriously, I'm really not complaining because this time last year I was thinking about how many more months it would be until the new vacancy opened again. In light, I am so grateful that I made it even this far.  I also understand what a long process this is and the fact that the investigation can take months and months. I am also only about 5 weeks in but this waiting...

and waiting.....

and waiting some more is making me nuts!

Dear Diplomatic Security people,

I am not a prostitute (thanks Secret Service for being male whores in South America), a compulsive gambler ( I went to MD Live and lost $20 in 20 minutes. I was done), nor an alcoholic. My address is what is says it is, yes, I do have my MBA, I'm a trustworthy person, and I would try my best not to embarrass the United States Government in or outside of its borders.   Anything else you need to know? 

Love, me

That is all.

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