Sunday, May 22, 2011


I am currently sitting in the lobby of an aquatic center with one of the ladies at my part-time.  I'm supposed to be doing my school work. It's not happening.  I'm tired of very tired!  Every part of my being is telling me to stop...take a break...get yourself back in the frame of mind to be awesome. But I can't stop, I have 4 more classes left.  I can make it!  November 8, 2011, it will all be over. It seems so far away.

And then I stumble up on Foreign Obsession. Okay, not quite stumble more like checking in. She is where I want to be.  Am I a stalker? I love her blogs. I admire her honesty through the whole process and she's amazingly funny. Not just regular funny but also intellectually funny. (No, I'm really not stalking her, I swear) Anyway, so I read it and I'm now I'm a lobby. Not just crying but balling hysterically. Tears freely flowing and parents are coming up to me asking me if I'm okay.  She's going to Peru. I am excited for her and for everyone in the FS who are preparing to leave for post.

Hopefully, next year, I will be where she is now. And then all of this useless additional stress I am putting myself under will be all for naught. Until then, I'm going to sit here, cry it out, and attempt to get my work done.  

I want chocolate covered pretzels.....

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