So yeah, he was in a million $$$ compound. W-T-F is up with that?!? Sure, we knew he was ka-billionaire with his money readily at his disposal but we all had this image of Osama living in a cave, barely alive due to his kidney. But nooooo, he was in lovely complex yards away from a Pakistani training camp and a stones throw away from Islamabad. That, my friends, is a big F-U to everyone involved. I'm sure at one point he was living like caveman but for who knows how long....not so much. It's an F-U to the US and the West because he was pretty much hiding in plain sight, it's an even bigger F-U to Pakistan daring them to snitch, and the biggest F-U goes to all of the young impressionable youth and those who actually believed in the righteousness of what they were doing (you've got to be pretty steadfast in your beliefs to be willing to use your body as an explosive device). While people are killing themselves in the name of Al-Qaeda, the face, its "leader" is chillin' and hangin' out in his multi-$$$ house! Living like a pauper because of his convictions? I think not! Oh and've got some 'splaining to do. Can't wait until you talk to Hilary about this one. Oh to be a fly on the wall for that conversation. Moreover, to be a fly on the wall for the conversation between President Obama and Hilary when he dispatches the wolves. Now that had to have been some good stuff.
It was 2 shots to the head; 1 to kill him and the other to make sure he was dead. He was the face of the big bad. However, terrorism will continue. There will be another with the same ideals and who will engage and convince many that their lies are truth. With the killing of Bin Laden, I hope this puts the terrorists of the world on notice that sooner or later we will find you. I am so happy that he's gone. I feel for those who lost loved ones on that day. I cry with them because we will always remember. All Americans share their pain even if it's a minuscule amount. In reality, it could have happened to any one of us, in any city, and at any time. We must always remember.
I aspire to join the FS, in part, because I feel it is my duty to my country. I think it is the very least I could do to give back because those who have come before me have given their lives for what I have now and for what my children and my children's children will have. For that, I am eternally grateful. My thoughts and prayers also go out to all of our military and the FS who continue to fight the good fight for all of my freedoms that I take for granted on a regular basis. May God put his shield of protection around you and keep you safe from harm.
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